Archives for video di poker
Check out for more High Stakes action! Doyle and Vanessa go head to head, and one player at the table gets felted. See who it is, and who replaces them, on the third episode of this season.
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Time: 43:03 |
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Did you know that even if you bust out the 1st hand of a tournament you can still end up a winner? Water boat shows you how to talk your way into a moral victory. Forget about winning chips, learn how to talk trash to your opponents to make you feel better about yourself.
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Time: 30:48 |
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One player brings in a pot of over $500000. Find out who gets paid and who gets played in the second episode of the season. Check out for more High Stakes action!
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Time: 43:03 |
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High Stakes Poker has a new home, a new feel, and some new players to shake things up. Check out for more High Stakes action!
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Time: 43:03 |
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PLEASE READ: This is a dedication video to Lady Gaga. I decided to dress up for this one. I have been improving on Dance Central lately and am a HUGE fan of her so I wanted to do this song for her. She'll probably never see it, but that's ok. ^_^ I am more than happy to share this with all of you as well. For those wondering, I DO NOT recommend playing with a mask, all black clothing, and long swinging ponytails. I had to re-calibrate my Kinect a half a dozen times, shine a million lights on me to get it to see me and stop my hair from swinging too much otherwise it thought it was another arm. Possibly the most frustrating dance video I will ever make, but it was completely worth it. I hope you enjoy the video. Please comment, share and subscribe. Don't forget to thumbs up if you love Lady Gaga! Much love Lady Gaga… keep doing what you do! Thank you to Dance Central for having 2 fantastic Lady Gaga songs in here! What song do you want to see next? LINKS: http (my official facebook is almost at 5k friends so please LIKE the fan page!) Thanks for watching!
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Time: 03:19 |
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Celebs and poker pros show their poker faces at the 2011 WPT Celebrity Invitational at Commerce Casino.
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Time: 02:44 |
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HIGH STAKES POKER 7 marks the first time in history that a poker show has been filmed using 3D technology, offering DIRECTV customers with 3D-enabled televisions the chance to enjoy an immersive poker experience as never before. The 3D broadcasts of HIGH STAKES POKER will be available exclusively on DIRECTV's 3D channel, n3D™, powered by Panasonic, this Spring. A brand new season of High Stakes Poker premieres Saturday February 26 at 8/7c. For More High Stakes Poker Go To:
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Time: 01:00 |
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+ video Eli Elezra, David Peat, Olivier Busquet, Phil Laak, Greg Mueller, Howard Lederer
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Time: 15:00 |
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+ video Eli Elezra, David Peat, Olivier Busquet, Phil Laak, Greg Mueller, Howard Lederer
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Time: 12:04 |
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L’agenda delle cose da fare nel 2011 di Daniel Negreanu si allunga e, dopo esser riuscito a “spuntare” uno dei suoi obbiettivi principali (ovvero il primo posto nella All-Time Money Leader List), il campione canadese “appunta” anche un’altra “faccenda”: sfidare Viktor “Isildur1″ Blom nel Superstars Showdown!
A dirlo è Daniel in persona che, in un intervento pubblicato sul suo blog, dice ai fans che si sta allenando moltissimo a “bassi livelli” per poi, con calma, andare a sfidare Viktor Blom nella Superstar Showdown cercando, ovviamente, di incamerare la vittoria. Ma, come ammette lo stesso Negreanu, andare a sfidare Isildur1 senza un’adeguata preparazione è praticamente impossibile quindi, almeno per il momento, il buon Daniel preferisce continuare ad allenarsi piuttosto che andare “alla cieca” contro un avversario che, sulla carta, è molto più preparato del campione canadese.
Daniel ammette che il metodo di “vedere” il poker dei giovani giocatori è decisamente diverso dal suo e, per questo, è importante “studiare” e “aggiornarsi” in modo da rimanere “al passo coi tempi”! Ciò non toglie che la sfida Negreanu-Isildur1 è molto allettante e, se davvero Daniel ha intenzione di sfidare il fortissimo grinder…beh, noi vogliamo assistere “in prima fila” all’evento!
Foto | Wikipedia
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